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This month’s news includes:

  • This month in research software - community news
  • Funding opportunities
  • Funder community focuses on crucial role of research software
  • Resources for supporting policy change in research institutions in practice: A report from Subgroup 2 of the ReSA & RDA Policies in Research Organisations for Research Software (PRO4RS) Working Group
  • Opportunities to get involved with community initiatives
  • Resources
  • Community events

This month’s news includes:

  • This month in research software - community news
  • Funding opportunities
  • Thank you to ReSA’s supporters
  • Opportunities to get involved with community initiatives
  • Resources
  • Community events

This month’s news includes:

  • This month in research software - community news and funding
  • Alfred P. Sloan Foundation support for ReSA
  • ReSA membership update - welcome to the French Committee for Open Science
  • Opportunities to get involved with community initiatives
  • Resources
  • Community events

This month’s news includes:

  • This month in research software - community news
  • ReSA Membership update - welcome to UKRI
  • The FAIR for Research Software Principles after two years: an adoption update
  • How to suggest, join, or support a ReSA task force
  • New ReSA Steering Committee member - Colette Bos
  • PRO4RS call for policies
  • Opportunities to get involved with community initiatives
  • Community events and resources

ReSA Newsletter: February 2024

This month’s news includes:

  • This month in research software - community news
  • signed by Dutch funders
  • Supporting ReSA Task Forces
  • Adoption of FAIR4RS Principles - help provide updates
  • Contribute resources on supporting policy change in research institutions
  • Opportunities to get involved with community initiatives
  • Resources
  • Community events

This month’s news includes:

  • This month in research software - community news
  • SciLifeLab to co-host third international research software funders event
  • ReSA Membership update - welcome to VolkswagenStiftung
  • ReSA Community Report and News from our Asia and Africa Community Managers
  • Opportunities to get involved with community initiatives
  • Community events and resources

ReSA Newsletter: November 2023

This month’s news includes:

  • This month in research software - community news
  • ReSA Community Leadership Forum
  • ReSA Organisational Members - welcome to Alfred P. Sloan Foundation and Chan Zuckerberg Initiative
  • signatories
  • Policies in Research Organisations for Research Software (PRO4RS) Working Group update
  • Research Software Authorship and Contribution task force
  • CiteSoftware
  • Community events and resources

This month’s news includes:

  • This month in research software - community news
  • International Research Software Funders Workshop
  • ReSA Membership update - welcome to NASA
  • Research Software Community Leaders Forum
  • Opportunities to get involved with community initiatives
  • Community events and resources

ReSA Newsletter: September 2023

This month’s news includes:

  • This month in research software - community news
  • Sign the Amsterdam Declaration on Funding Research Software Sustainability
  • Research Software Community Leaders Forum
  • ReSA Membership update: Simons Foundation
  • Policies in Research Organisations for Research Software (PRO4RS) Working Group case statement available for review
  • Elevating Research Software: Developing a Roadmap
  • CZI’s Essential Open Source Software for Science (EOSS)
  • Opportunities to get involved with community initiatives
  • Community events and resources

This month’s news includes:

  • This month in research software - community news
  • Research Software Community Leaders Forum
  • A new DiveRSE webinar
  • RSE Asia Australia Unconference
  • Opportunities to get involved with community initiatives
  • Community events and resources

This month’s news includes:

  • This month in research software - community news
  • Policies in Research Organisations for Research Software (PRO4RS) Working Group
  • ReSA Membership update
  • Opportunities to get involved with community initiatives
  • Community events and resources

This month’s news includes:

  • This month in research software - community news
  • African Research Software Indaba
  • ReSA Membership Update
  • Open Source Program Offices (OSPOs) are Gaining Momentum in the Research Software Community
  • Opportunities to get involved with community initiatives
  • Community events and resources

This month’s news includes:

  • This month in research software: Community news
  • New ReSA Steering Committee members
  • Institutional policies to support research software initiatives
  • Amsterdam Declaration on Funding Research Software Sustainability
  • International Research Software Funders Workshop
  • Opportunities to get involved with community initiatives
  • Community events and resources

This month’s news includes:

  • This month in research software: Community news
  • Amsterdam Declaration on Funding Research Software Sustainability - get involved
  • ReSA’s updated mission
  • Can National Research and Education Networks be a great focal point for Research Software Engineers in some regions?
  • Community events and resources

This month’s news includes:

  • This month in research software: Community news
  • ReSA welcomes SAGE Publishing and National Institutes of Health
  • Amsterdam Declaration on Funding Research Software Sustainability
  • ReSA news
  • Opportunities to get involved with community initiatives
  • Community events and resources

ReSA Newsletter: February 2023

This month’s news includes:

  • This month in research software: Community news
  • Open call for ReSA Steering Committee nominations
  • New ReSA Community Managers in Africa and Asia
  • Opportunities to get involved with community initiatives
  • Community events and resources

This month’s news includes:

  • This month in research software: Community news
  • Alfred P. Sloan Foundation support for ReSA
  • New ReSA task force on research institution policies to support research software
  • Opportunities to get involved with community initiatives
  • Community events and resources

This month’s news includes:

  • This month in research software: Community news
  • International Funders Workshop: The Future of Research Software
  • Database of research software funding opportunities
  • Research institution policies to support research software
  • Opportunities to get involved with community initiatives
  • Community events and resources

This month’s news includes:

  • This month in research software: Community news
  • ReSA Organisational Membership
  • Chan Zuckerberg Initiative support for ReSA
  • Research Software Community Forum - monthly update
  • ReSA update
  • Opportunities to get involved with community initiatives

This month’s news includes:

  • This month in research software: Community news
  • ReSA’s Research Software Community Forum - monthly update
  • ReSA update
  • Opportunities to get involved with community initiatives
  • Community events and resources

This month’s news includes:

  • This month in research software: Community news
  • ReSA’s Research Software Community Forum - monthly update
  • Opportunities to get involved with community initiatives
  • Community events and resources

This month’s news includes:

  • This month in research software: Community news
  • ReSA’s Research Software Community Forum
  • Research Software Funders Forum
  • Opportunities to get involved with community initiatives
  • Community events and resources

This month’s news includes:

  • This month in research software: Community news
  • ReSA’s Research Software Community Forum
  • FAIR for Research Software (FAIR4RS) completion
  • ReSA Steering Committee member profile: Neil Chue Hong
  • Opportunities to get involved with community initiatives
  • Community events and resources

This month’s news includes:

  • This month in research software: Community news
  • ReSA’s Research Software Community Forum
  • FAIR for Research Software (FAIR4RS) update
  • ReSA Steering Committee member profile: Juan Bicarregui
  • Opportunities to get involved with community initiatives
  • Community events and resources

This month’s news includes:

  • This month in research software: Community news
  • Vive la différence and DiveRSE
  • Research software community mapping
  • Research Software Funders Forum
  • FAIR4RS update
  • ReSA Steering Committee member profile: Mark Leggott
  • Opportunities to get involved with community initiatives
  • Community events and resources

ReSA Newsletter: February 2022

This month’s news includes:

  • This month in research software: Community news
  • ReSA blog: Overview of research software funding landscape
  • ReSA update
  • FAIR4RS update
  • ReSA Steering Committee member profile: Chris Mentzel
  • Opportunities to get involved with community initiatives
  • Community events and resources

This month’s news includes:

  • This month in research software - community news
  • ReSA blog: Research software is essential for research data, so how should governments respond?
  • Mapping research software initiatives in the Global South
  • FAIR4RS update
  • ReSA Steering Committee member profile: Eva Méndez
  • Opportunities to get involved with community initiatives
  • Community events and resources

This month’s news includes:

  • This month in research software - community news
  • ReSA receives Sloan Foundation grant to convene the Research Software Funders Forum
  • Lorentz Centre workshop on diversity, equity and inclusion - call for participation
  • ReSA People Roadmap report
  • ReSA Steering Committee member profile - Andrew Treloar
  • Opportunities to get involved with community initiatives
  • Community events and resources

ReSA Newsletter: September 2021

This month’s news includes:

  • Community news - this month in research software
  • ReSA Strategic Plan
  • Wellcome Trust Data blog
  • ReSA Steering Committee member profile
  • FAIR4RS update
  • FAIR4RS Roadmap news
  • People Roadmap update
  • Opportunities to get involved with community initiatives
  • Community events & resources

This month’s news includes:

  • This month in research software - community news
  • FAIR4RS update
  • ReSA Steering Committee Chair
  • Opportunities to get involved with community initiatives
  • Community events
  • Community resources

This month’s news includes:

  • This month in research software - community news
  • ReSA People Roadmap
  • ReSA Steering Committee member profile
  • FAIR4RS update
  • Opportunities to get involved with community initiatives
  • Community events

This month’s news includes:

  • FAIR4RS Update
  • ReSA Steering Committee member profile
  • Community Events
  • Community News
  • Community Surveys
  • Research software community organisation profile: CodeMeta

This month’s news includes:

  • FAIR4RS Update
  • FAIR4RS Roadmap update
  • Diversity, equity and inclusion in research software engineering
  • ReSA Steering Committee update
  • Community news

This month’s news includes:

  • FAIR4RS Update
  • Collaborations Workshop 21 videos
  • Community news

ReSA News: March 2021

This month’s news includes:

  • FAIR4RS Update
  • Building research software communities
  • Volunteer to be a software expert at EGU21
  • Community news: 2021 INCF Assembly, Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, Research software sustainability in the Netherlands, 1st International Workshop on the Body of Knowledge for Software Sustainability (BoKSS’21), IEEE Computer Society, Academic Data Science Alliance and US-RSE Association, 2020 FAIR Convergence Symposium

ReSA News: February 2021

This month’s news includes:

  • Wellcome Trust funding
  • ReSA’s three focus areas: Spotlight on people
  • Building research software communities
  • FAIR4RS Update
  • OECD Recommendation on access to research data now includes software
  • Community news: RSE Stories podcast, Dryad and Zenodo integration, csv,conf, IEEE eScience 2021 International Conference, Wellcome Open Research Fund

ReSA News: January 2021

This month’s news includes:

  • Sloan funding for ReSa task force
  • New ReSA Steering Committee members
  • Welcome to our Community Manager
  • FAIR4RS Update
  • Community news: Recognizing the value of software: a software citation guide, and Series of Online Research Software Events events

ReSA News: December 2020

This month’s news includes:

  • ReSA’s three focus areas: Spotlight on policy
  • ReSA Steering Committee says farewell to Catherine Jones
  • Recent ReSA talks
  • ReSA Code of Conduct released
  • Community news: SORSE events; Collaborations Workshop 2021; and some holiday reading suggestions

ReSA News: October 2020

  • ReSA’s three focus areas: Spotlight on Infrastructure
  • ReSA Steering Committee call for nominations
  • Community news: SORSE events; diversity, equity and inclusion; CANARIE awards for software reuse; and the German Research Foundation (DFG) National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI)

ReSA News: September 2020

  • ReSA’s three focus areas: policy, people and infrastructure
  • FAIR4RS events
  • SORSE event in late October: What do we (not) know about RSE?
  • Community news: BSSw Fellowships, ADSA Annual meeting, JupyterCon, GitHub CLI 1.0, JOSS’s 1000th paper, The Festival of Maintenance and software

ReSA News: August 2020

  • ReSA becomes a fiscally sponsored project of Code for Science and Society
  • Additions to ReSA Zotero library on resources that support software in research
  • SORSE launches on 2 September 2020
  • NSF has issued a solicitation that includes sustainable software projects

ReSA News: July 2020

  • FAIR for Research Software update
  • Recommendations on software sharing for policy makers, funders, publishers and researchers
  • Request for Proposals for Critical Digital Research Infrastructure by Ford Foundation and Sloan Foundation
  • OECD report on developing digital skills in the research sector
  • US Research Software Engineer Association July newsletter items of interest

ReSA News: June 2020

  • ReSA blog: Evidence for the importance of research software
  • FAIR for Research Software webinars next week
  • Data science survey from Academic Data Science Alliance
  • Now open: Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Essential Open Source Software for Science program

ReSA News: May 2020

  • ReSA becomes an RDA affiliate
  • ReSA responds to US government request for information
  • Recommendations for policy makers, funders and publishers
  • FAIR for Research Software update
  • Community news on the National Information Standards Organization and the Zenodo COVID-19 Community

ReSA News: April 2020

  • Update on the software component of the RDA COVID WG
  • FAIR for Research Software news
  • Introducing the ReSA Director, Michelle Barker

ReSA News: March 2020

  • ReSA’s first blog post
  • FAIR 4 Ressearch Software
  • Journal special issues

ReSA News: December 2019

  • Update from the taskforce on evidence for the importance of research software
  • Community news

ReSA News: November 2019

  • ReSA call for participation
  • UKRI strategy recognises the critical role of software in Research
  • Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Awards $5 Million for Open Source Software Projects Essential to Science

ReSA News: September 2019

ReSA taskforces:

  • Software landscape analysis
  • Evidence for the importance of research software
  • Current opportunities for funding research software